
quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2011

Way to prepare!!!

Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat

Scrambled Eggs – Ovos Mexidos

food preparation break 3 eggs Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat   Receitas de Ovos, Legumes, Galinha e CarnesBreak 3 eggs (Quebre 3 ovos)
food preparation beat the eggs well Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat   Receitas de Ovos, Legumes, Galinha e CarnesBeat well (Bata bem)
food preparation grease the pan Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat   Receitas de Ovos, Legumes, Galinha e CarnesGrease the pan (Unte a panela)
food preparation pour the eggs into the pan Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat   Receitas de Ovos, Legumes, Galinha e CarnesPour the eggs into the pan (Ponha os ovos na panela)
food preparation stir Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat   Receitas de Ovos, Legumes, Galinha e CarnesStir (Mexa)
food preparation cook until done Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat   Receitas de Ovos, Legumes, Galinha e CarnesCook until done (Cozinhe/Frite até ficar pronto)

Vegetable Casserole
Caçarola de Legumes e Verduras

food preparation chop the onions Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat   Receitas de Ovos, Legumes, Galinha e CarnesChop the onions (Pique as cebolas)
food preparation sauté the onion Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat   Receitas de Ovos, Legumes, Galinha e CarnesSauté the onions (Doure as cebolas)
food preparation steam the broccoli Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat   Receitas de Ovos, Legumes, Galinha e CarnesSteam the broccoli (Cozinhe o brócoli no vapor)
food preparation grate the cheese Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat   Receitas de Ovos, Legumes, Galinha e CarnesGrate the cheese (Rale o queijo)
food preparation mix the ingredients Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat   Receitas de Ovos, Legumes, Galinha e CarnesMix the ingredients (Misture os ingredientes)
food preparation bake at 350 for 45 minutes Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat   Receitas de Ovos, Legumes, Galinha e CarnesBake at 350ºF for 45 minutes (Asse a 350°F por 45min)

Chicken Soup – Canja de Galinha

food preparation cut up the chicken Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat   Receitas de Ovos, Legumes, Galinha e CarnesCut up the chicken (Corte o frango)
food preparation peel the carrots Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat   Receitas de Ovos, Legumes, Galinha e CarnesPeel the carrots (Descasque as cenouras)
food preparation slice the carrots Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat   Receitas de Ovos, Legumes, Galinha e CarnesSlice the carrots (Fatie as cenouras)
food preparation boil the chicken Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat   Receitas de Ovos, Legumes, Galinha e CarnesBoil the chicken (Ferva o frango)
food preparation add the vegetables Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat   Receitas de Ovos, Legumes, Galinha e CarnesAdd the vegetables (Adicione os legumes)
food preparation simmer for 1 hour Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat   Receitas de Ovos, Legumes, Galinha e CarnesSimmer for 1 hour (Ferva em fogo baixo por 1 hora)

5 Ways to Cook Meat
5 modos de cozinhar carnes

food preparation fry Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat   Receitas de Ovos, Legumes, Galinha e CarnesFry (Fritar)
food preparation barbecue grill Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat   Receitas de Ovos, Legumes, Galinha e CarnesBarbecue / Grill (Fazer churrasco/ Grelhar)
food preparation roast Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat   Receitas de Ovos, Legumes, Galinha e CarnesRoast (Assar)
food preparation broil Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat   Receitas de Ovos, Legumes, Galinha e CarnesBroil (Grelhar)
food preparation stir fry Recipes of Eggs, Vegetables, Chicken and Meat   Receitas de Ovos, Legumes, Galinha e CarnesStir-fry (Fritar rapidamente no óleo)

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